Decision Intelligence in Everyone’s Hands
Delivered in 8 weeks
Faster Insights
Productivity Improvements
from Easy Answers
from Easy Answers
Time saved in data prep
Traditional BI technology takes weeks to answer critical business questions
Easy Answers™
Explore your data with plain English questions like ...
Show future appointments with predicted no shows
Energy & Utilities
Show all apartments in the path of storm Alex
Show contract clauses of more than $2 million liabilities
Packaged goods
Show future risk score trends for our new product
List deals at risk of closing in the next quarter
Show in-flight campaigns likely to miss ROI goals
Generate customer segments by Instagram interactions
Online Advertising
Show past 2-month history for age group 18-24 on netflix.com
Generate critical insights automatically
Useful Insights automatically generated by AI/ML models based on the questions asked. Identify anomalies, trends and other insights without manually applying data science.
Built-in data science models -
- Clustering
- Key Driver detection
- Trend detection
- Text & Entity extraction
- Anomaly detection
- Change point detection
- Combinatorics
- Event based
Easy Answers in Action
Search suggestions
Easy answers can help suggest questions to get started with data exploration
Automated data prep
Easy to use discovery module automated the setup, finds synonyms and suggest traits
Explainable insights
Verify insights and analytics by easily seeing queries and data sources as well as why insights were found.
Collaborate better
Make comments, create tasks and follow up in insights with the AO platforms’ tribal knowledge feature
Trainable visualizations & Insights
Easy Answers learns what insights and analytics are useful and becomes more useful the more you use it.
Available via chat
With chatbot integration as well as popular business messaging apps such as Microsoft Teams or Slack, get answers wherever you need it.
Personalized Dashboards
Save insights and analytics to your personal dashboard to keep an eye on what's important to you.
AI can automate the time consuming
parts of getting insights
Incredible Time to value
Only 8 weeks to get instant insights and augment them with additional data and context in minutes.
AI Insights from all your data
Don't just look at your data warehouse, easily access data from many sources, internal and external.
Not just analytics, decision intelligence
Get forward looking insights and optimized decisions with the AO intelligence fabric.